Then the event company got the festive ball rolling by warming up the crowd with a little exercise.
Mr Harriman proved an eloquent and entertaining speaker, impressive as the Chairman of MDRT International. And what a friendly person too. He told us of his career in this industry, and I was in awe of how he could achieve this standard year after year, in a small community. Proves that where there's a will there's always a way, and a way of integrity as well.
Lots of work went into the MDRT record book. Getting details from qualifiers who had achieved the MDRT performance requirement standard was no mean feat. Organising the photo taking professionally in the required format presented quite a challenge. And scripting their responses to a few questions for their profiles, well let's just say the exercise took a fair amount of creativity.
Launching of the book was via a bit of a magic show which sprang its own surprise on us, which was a good laugh. Festivities drew to a close after the very top producers collected their copies.