My second year into this role, took me on a trip to Egypt. I found a really great fiction novel based on fact by Wilbur Smith "River God" a couple of months before the event and it gave me really useful insight to how ancient Egypt lived. Very fascinating to learn how civilisations were so dependent on climate and their environment to make their lives successful. Pretty much the same as today, but the here and now is that much of nature is being destroyed rather than rebuilt and preserved to ensure continued success. Well, life's a cycle and out of devastation will spring new life.
Enough philosophy already!!! Egypt was meant to inspire the awardees to hit the target of the year by aiming for Egypt. I heard the tour there was like no other had before. Of course ~ it's Egypt the seat of where documented civilisation began.

Anyway I think the event company did a good job of turning me into Nefertiti...